ANSI 837 Import

This interface will import both Professional and Institutional 837 formats.


This section contains the known limitations when importing an existing ANSI 837 into EZClaim.  

There are other limitations that are not listed.

    SV101-7 (Procedure Code Description) is not imported.

    2400 Loop Providers and Facilities are not imported.

    Secondary claims are import but the claims ‘Bill To’ will be set as primary.

    ANSI header information is not imported.  Use the Submitter/Receiver Library for instructions to setup your required information.

    2010BA N3 02 (Subscriber Address 2) is concatenated to the address 1 fields.  Example:  Importing N3*123 ANYWHERE DR*TRL 3~ will be imported as 123 ANYWHERE DR TRL 3.

    REF*6R segments are not imported.